Results of surgical treatment of metastatic brain tumors
metastatic tumor, brain, surgery.Abstract
We investigate nearest results of surgical treatment in 137 patients with brain metastatic tumors. In 91 patient (72%) catamnesis was examined. Improvement of condition was observed in 81% of cases. Median survival time after surgery was prolonged to 14,1±3,2 months in comparison with 2,7 ±1,3 months in conservative treatment group. Primary tumor progression and further metastatic process was the main death cause in 88% of operated patients. Low recidivate rate (12%) on the place of operated focus is supported high surgical method of treatment effectiveness. High data of one-year survival (85%) were obtained in patients with solitary metastases and stable condition of systemic tumor process and high quality of life befor operation (KPS і 70) in case of radical surgery for metastase.References
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