The effect of neurotransplantation of various allogeneic tissue types to motor function restore after experimental spinal cord injury


  • Volodymyr V. Medvediev Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine



spinal cord injury, tissue neurotransplantation, motor function recovery, pathophysiology, tissue neuroengineering


Objective. To examine the effect of different tissue type of neurotransplantation on the locomotor function restoration after experimental spinal cord injury.

Materials and methods. Animals: inbred albino male rats (5.5 months, 300 g); experimental groups: 1 — spinal cord injury + immediate homotopical transplantation of olfactory bulb tissue (TOBT, n=34), 2 — spinal cord injury + analogous transplantation of fetal (E18) cerebellum tissue (TFСT, n=15), 3 — spinal cord injury + analogous transplantation of fetal (E18) kidney tissue (TFKT, n=8), 4 — spinal cord injury only in similar (control–1, n=16) and different (control–2, n=40) experimental seasons. Model of injury — left-side spinal cord hemisection at ТXI level; monitoring the ipsilateral hindlimb function indicator (IHL FI) — the Вasso–Вeattie–Вresnahan scale (BBB).

Results. The predominance (p> 0.05) of the IHL FI after approved types of neurotransplantation has been noted when comparing with the control group–1 — at the 1st–5th week (ТОBT), 1st–2nd and 6th–7th week (TFСT), and at the end of the 8th week (TFKT); when comparing with the control group–2 — at the 1st–3rd (ТОBT) and 1st (TFСT) week of the experiment. The maximum value of the IHL FI has been observed at the 2nd (ТОBT, 3,7±0,5 points ВВВ), 1st, 6th–7th (TFСT, 3,6±0,8 points ВВВ), 12th and 20th (TFKT, 3,6±1,2 points ВВВ) weeks, minimum value of the IHL FI — at the 24th (ТОBT, 2,4±0,6 points ВВВ), 3rd (TFСT, 3,0±0,9 points ВВВ) and 1st (TFKT, 1,9±1,1 points ВВВ) week of the experiment. Average IHL FI values of the three experimental groups at the 24th week of the experiment have been amounted to 2,4–3,3 points BBB and comprised in a range of control groups final mean values (1,6–3,4 балла ВВВ). Significant differences between the IHL FI values of the groups ТОBT, TFСT and TFKT have not been observed during the experiment. In the case of TOBT significant changes of IHL FI have been noted during the 2nd (increase), 6th–7th and 16th–24th week (reduced to a level below the 1st week); in the case of TFKT — at the 1st–3rd week (increase); in the case of TFСT no significant changes have been identified. A common feature of the dynamics of the three experimental groups is prevalence of IHL FI values over the control during the first few weeks and lack of progression during further period of observation, that can be interpreted in a view of angiogenic, neurotropic, proinflammatory and mediator effects of the grafts.

Conclusion. Approved types of neurotransplantation provide a temporary effect, continuing during the first month of the traumatic process; the study of the pathophysiological mechanisms of this effect can significantly improve understanding of tissue processes after multicomponent neuroengineering interventions.

Author Biography

Volodymyr V. Medvediev, Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv

Department of Neurosurgery


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How to Cite

Medvediev, V. V. (2017). The effect of neurotransplantation of various allogeneic tissue types to motor function restore after experimental spinal cord injury. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (1), 11–23.



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