The microwave resonance therapy role in the cephalgic syndrom treatment of cerebral atherosclerotic patients
церебральний атеросклероз, мозковий кровообіг, цефалгічний синдром, мікрохвильова резонансна терапія, реоенцефалографія, термографія, електроенцефалографія.Abstract
The results of the microwave resonance therapy (MWRT) application in the treatment of 89 patients with the cerebrovascular diseases early forms due to the atherosclerosis were presented. It was shown that the complete or important cephalgic syndrom regress was achieved for the most part (70,5%) of patients under the effect was accompanied by the disappearance or considerable decreasing of another neurologic syndroms, as well as the brain functional state indicators demonstrated improvement.References
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