Transvasal management application for giant cerebral supratentorial arteriovenous malformations
церебральна супратенторіальна артеріовенозна мальформація, нейротрансвазальні втручання, терапевтичні балони-катетери та мікрокатетери, твердотілі та рідкі емболи, дигітальна субтракційна ангіографія,Abstract
The analyses of using different neurotransvasal interventions for treatment giant cerebral supratentorial arteriovenous malformations in 252 patients are presented. All the patients were devided into 6 groups according to the clinical features: haemorrhagic — 59 patients, epileptic seizures — 136, ishemic — 9, pseudotumorrosis — 11, migreinosis — 13, polysymptomatic — 24. The results, obtained after operations, and their efficacy were formed into 4 group in order to the methods of neurotransvasal management: 1) embolisation in the blood flow; 2) blood supplying source’s occlussion; 3) both temporarily or staged occlussion with embolisation in the blood flow; 4) superselective embolisation or “thrombing” with different materials using. The decreasing of epileptic seizures and re-motion of the paretic extremities were noted. 7 patients suffered with secondary haemorrhagia, in the cases of which the operations haven’t been finished, 3 patients died.References
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