The comparison of optic pathway injury elements at brain concussion and light contusion in dynamics of acute period
optic pathway, trauma, light contusion of the brain, brain concussionAbstract
Brain concussion (BC) is characterized mainly by damage of subcortical brain structures (chiasma) and extrastrial zone of optic pathway, oculomotor nerve and afferent part of pupil pathway. Light brain contusion (LBC) manifests by widespread damage of all parts of visual pathway (visual nerve’s papillomacular brunches, visual tract and both vision centers in the occipital lobe) and also by disorders of oculomotor nerves, afferent and efferent parts of pupil reaction’s realization.
Critical periods were defined: 6–8th day after trauma — for BC and 9–11th day — for LBC, when changes of vegetative nervous system dominating parts and worsening of ophthalmic and neurological signs were observed.
The combined method for investigation at patients with light cranio-cerebral trauma was proposed that includes of frequency-contrast visometria, Humphrey-perimetria and pupillometria using, and it allowed differential diagnostics of visual pathway parts’ damage at BC and LBC in acute period.
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