Age peculiarities of biogenic amines exchange in severe brain injuri (BI)
черепно-мозкова травма, біогенні аміни, , обмін, вік.Abstract
Age peculiarities of biogenic amines exchange in 195 patients in acute period of severe brain injuri are investigated. It was shown that in 16% of young people aged 20—40 years fatal outcome on the 3d posttraumatic day was due to brain oedema caused by a sharp excitation of histaminoreactive system. 61% of letal outcomes on the 7—10th posttraumatic day is associated with secondary brain ischemia caused by a sharp excitation of a noradrenal chain of sympaticoadrenal system (SAS). Unfavourable outcome of BI in 70,4% of patients aged 41—60 years on the 7—10th posttraumatic day was due to a sharp excitation of histaminoreactive system and accompanying brain oedema in combination with secondary brain ischemia which is formed under the influence of stress-releasing noradrenal chain of SAS.References
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