Frameless CT-navigation and local fibrinolysis in surgery of non-traumatic deep intracerebral hemorrhages
non-traumatic intracerebral hemorrhages, surgical treatment, neuronavigation, image-guided aspiration, local fibrinolysisAbstract
The initial experience of Stealth Station® TREON®Plus navigation system (Medtronic, USA) and local fibrinolysis with aktilyze during operation because of primary non-traumatic deep intracranial hemorrhages was analyzed. 12 patients were operated using thas method. Techniques of image-guided aspiration and local fibrinolysis according to protocol were described in details.
Image-guided aspiration and local fibrinolysis are effective microinvasive methods for surgical treatment of hemorrhages in area of putamen and thalamus. Image-guidance allows reaching deep hemorrhages of different form and size while leaving intact functionally significant areas of the brain.
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