Current state of temporal bone fractures in acute period of craniocerebral injury: epidemiology, classification, diagnosis and clinical features
craniocerebral trauma, temporal bone fractures, epidemiology, classification, cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea, sensorineural hearing loss, conductive hearing loss, facial nerve injuryAbstract
The review deals with actual problem of neurotraumatology — the temporal bone fractures (TBF) in acute period of craniocerebral trauma. Analysis of the world literature has been carried out with regard to modern information on epidemiology, classification systems, clinical features and diagnosis of TBF. Special attention has been paid to the issues of clinical significance of alternative systems of TBF classification. The directions for TBF diagnosis problems further studying have been outlined, primarily through determining correlation between frequency and nature of basic TBF manifestations and criteria of the standard classification system. The current state of this traumatic injury diagnostics requires informative significance of newest instrumental research methods been clarified in comparison with basic clinical manifestations, and the expedience of their application evaluated according to the medical, economic, legal and social indications.References
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