Clinical and pathomorphological features of penetrating spinal cord injury model with prolonged persistence of a foreign body in the vertebral canal
penetrating spinal cord injury, foreign body in the vertebral canal, experimental model of spinal cord injury, spinal cord regeneration, posttraumatic syndrome of spasticityAbstract
Background. Penetrating spinal cord injury with a foreign body in the spinal canal is one of the most common spinal cord injuries during wartime; the experimental reproduction of particular elements of complex interaction between a foreign body and the spinal cord is complicated.
Objective. To examine clinical and pathomorphological features of the model of this type of spinal cord injury.
Materials and methods. Animals: albino male rats (5.5 months, 300 grams, inbred line, the original strain is Wistar); experimental groups: basic (spinal cord injury + immediate homotopical implantation of a fragment of the microporous hydrogel – a foreign body [n=10]); comparison groups (spinal cord injury [n=16], spinal cord injury + immediate homotopical implantation of chemically identical macroporous hydrogel NeuroGel™ [n=20]). Model of injury: left-side spinal cord hemisection at ТXI level; monitoring the function of hind legs — the BBB scale; pathomorphological study: conventional histological techniques, transmission electronic microscopy.
Results. Compression of the spinal cord by biologically compatible foreign body significantly worsens the course of the regeneration process; during the first 8 weeks the hind ipsilateral leg function indicator (HI LFI) in animals was the lowest one — (1.30±0.94) points by BBB scale; during the 3rd–4th month HI LFI increases to 2.35±0.95 points by BBB scale, which is likely due to the change in the form of a foreign body and its utilization, decrease of the pressure on the spinal cord. On the 24th week of the follow-up HI LFI was (8.45±0.92) points (in NeuroGelTM group) compared with (2.35±0.95) points by BBB scale (in the group with a foreign body). During the experiment a foreign body, unlike the fragments of the NeuroGelTM, was not integrated into the tissue of the spinal cord, was surrounded by a thick fibrous capsule, hardly infiltrated by tissue component. Morphological picture in the contra-lateral part of the spinal cord at the level of injury did not change.
Conclusion. The model satisfactorily a mechanical component of a foreign body effect on the spinal cord tissue, presents the picture of post-traumatic syndrome of spasticity; reducing the spinal cord compression even at the late period of injury significantly improves the regeneration process.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Vitaliy Tsymbaliuk, Volodymyr Medvediev, Vera Semenova, Nina Grydina, Iuriy Iaminskiy, Yuriy Senchyk, Natalya Draguntsova, Oksana Rybachuk, Victoria Vaslovych, Sergiy Dychko, Taras Petriv

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