Correlation between access to health care and stroke mortality
stroke mortality, availability of medical care, health expenditureAbstract
Objective. To determine the correlation between access to health care and stroke mortality, to define the prospects of stroke mortality in Ukraine based on study results.
Materials and methods. Correlation and regression analysis of indicators from 55 countries ranked with Bloomberg as Most Efficient Countries for Health Care was used. Indicators was derived from publicly available databases.
Results. High significant moderate correlations (r=0.36, p=0.003) were obtained between stroke mortality and country area, stroke mortality and Urban population (r=-0,48, p=0,000).
We found weak but non significant correlation (r=0.16, p=0.116) between stroke mortality and hospital beds density, and the lack of correlation (r=-0.05, p=0.359) between stroke mortality and physicians density. However it should be noted that we have analyzed total number of beds and doctors, not only stroke specializing.
An analysis of the health expenditure (as % of GDP and US$ per capita) and stroke mortality revealed an appreciable (on the Chaddock scale) inverse correlation (r=-0.50, p=0.000 and r=-0.56, p=0.000 respectively) between these parameters.
The value for Health expenditure per capita (current US$) in Ukraine was US$313 as of 2013, that is 5-15 times lower than in developed countries (US$1462-4978). As a result, the mortality rate per 100,000 is 133.05 in Ukraine vs 72.1-29.8 in developed countries.
Conclusions. 1. The stroke mortality rate is largely determined by health care financing. 2. The country area and urban population percentage is important factor influencing the stroke mortality rate. 3. Population numbers and population density does not influence on stroke mortality. 4. Ukraine’s Health expenditure amounts are not sufficient in order to ensure the timely specialized care for population across the country, including stroke care. 5. Ukrainian Health Care System reforms, healthy lifestyle promotion as a preventive measure against cerebrovascular diseases may not reduce stroke mortality to acceptable values under insufficient funding conditions and low level population welfare. 6. In order to reduce the stroke death rate to the range of 60–80 persons per 100,000 of population increase of health spending to US$(1462±316) is needed, to the range of 40–60 persons — US$(1508±351), to the range of 20–40 persons — US$(4978±1793) accordingly. 7. Сombating сerebrovascular diseases and the result expectations should be based on the real economy possibilities.
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