Clinical and neurophysiological analysis of chronic neuropathic pain syndrome at traumatic damage of extremities nerves
neuropathic pain syndrome, protective polysynaptic reflexesAbstract
In order to improve clinical and neurophysiological correlations of pain syndrome at posttraumatic chronic neuropathic pain syndrome (CNPS) of extremities clinical and neuropathic study was carried out in 110 patients using methods of registration of spinal-stem polysynaptic reflex (SSPR), trigeminal-cervical reflex (TCR), and exteroceptive suppression (ES) of voluntary muscle activity registration. The reflective response was characterized, as a ruler, by decrease of reflex thresholds, reduction of their latent periods, increase of reflex responses duration and power. The obtained data were interpreted as signs of inhibitory mechanism deficiency on segmental apparatus level, deficit of descending suprasegmental control, afferent nociceptive synthesis peculiarities. The possibility of neurophysiological correlations use in planning of pain syndrome therapy was assumed.
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