The prognosis of surgical treatment results of severe cranio-cerebral trauma in acute period
cranio-cerebral trauma, intracranial hematoma, intracranial pressure, prognostic criteria, surgical treatmentAbstract
Following criteria are significant for prognosis: consciousness infringement — 8 points and less according to Glasgow Coma Scale, alcoholic intoxication at the moment of trauma, displacement of brain median structures for more than 1 cm, hematomas volume over 100 cm3, hematomas removing after 3 hours and later after clinical manifestation; the most essential criteria (at which lethality was 77.8–100%) are ventricular hemorrhage, arterial hypotension, intracranial pressure holding at 15 mm Hg and higher inspite of it’s correction, nosocomial pneumonia.
If there were 5 prognostic criteria, lethality was 100%, in case of 4 criteria — 76.9%.
The tactics of patients’ treatment have to be based on accurate keeping of algorithm of measures, that considers type and quantity of prognostic criteria.
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