Spastic hand treatment using botulinic toxin A and selective fasciculotomy
hand, spastic, selective fasciculotomy, Disport, rehabilitation, stroke, cerebral palsyAbstract
The efficacy of spastic hand treatment using botulinic toxin A and selective fasciculotomy of n. medianus and/or n. ulnaris was estimated. The results of treatment of 41 patients with spastic upper limbs were analyzed, at 20 of them botulinic toxin was used, 21 patients have been operated.
The best effect of botulinic toxin was in patients with moderate spasticity. Positive effect of botulinic toxin application in early period of spasticity is an indication for selective fasciculotomy performing later. In patients with spastic hand’s deformation (2 points according to the Ashworth scale) treatment has to be started at moderate spasticity, in case of spasticity relapse, selective fasciculotomy has to be performed.
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