Hydrocephalus of critical degree in children (status of problem and prospects)
hydrocephalus of critical degree, children, long-term prognosis, quality of lifeAbstract
Modern views on the problem of diagnostics and treatment of hydrocephalus of critical degree at young children were summarized. A comparative analysis of clinical course, diagnostics and surgical treatment of critical degree hydrocephalus of congenital, postinflammatory and posthemorrhage origin was conducted. It was established that surgical treatment of critical degree hydrocephalus had its own specific features and is associated with a high risk of postoperative complications, primarily caused by overdrainage, pyo-inflammatory processes in the brain and surrounding tissues, which requires the application of an optimal surgical tactic. Factors influencing a long-term prognosis of critical hydrocephalus were analyzed, in particular, etiology of ventriculomegaly, child’s gestational age, terms of bypass surgery, number of repeat operations, infection of the bypass system infecting, etc.
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