Cognitive-affective syndromes in children with cerebellar tumor
cerebellum, tumors, neuropsychological tests, cognitive-affective syndromes, childrenAbstract
The results of clinical and neuropsychological investigation, provided among 36 children with cerebellar tumor, aged from 7 to 18 years are presented (tumor of vermis — in 11 cases, of left hemisphere — in 15, of right hemisphere — in 10).
Neuropsychological tests for minimal cerebral dysfunction and cognitive and psycho-emotional functions peculiarities revealing were used. In children with cerebellar tumor the cognitive-affective disorders have different structure and intensity (subclinical, abortive, neurotic, autistic, verbal and psychotic syndromes). Features of cognitive-affective disorders depend on disorders of cerebellar structures localization: hemispheres disorders usually was found at subclinical, abortive, neurotic and autistic syndromes; vermis damages — at neurotic, autistic, verbal and psychotic disturbances. Features of cognitive-affective disorders depending on lesion lateralization (left/right hemisphere of cerebellum) were identified.
For effective diagnostic of cognitive-affective disorders in children with cerebellar tumor, along with analysis of clinical manifestation, adequate use of neuropsychological tests is recommended.
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