Intracranial pressure monitoring during decompressive craniectomy in patients with severe traumatic brain injury
severe traumatic brain injury, intracranial pressure, brain edema, decompressive craniectomy, decompressive effect of operationAbstract
Prospective study was conducted at 75 injured persons with severe traumatic brain injury, who undergone intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring during decompressive craniectomy (DC). In the beginning of operation an average ICP was (39±18.1) mm Hg, in the end of surgery performing — (15.8±12.4) mm Hg. DC with dura opening was found to be effective therapeutic method for ICP control. DC using the developed method promoted ICP reduction by (59.5±26.1)% in average in comparison with its preoperative level. Expedience of determination of decompressive effect of operation and its separate stages was grounded for surgery results prognosis.
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