Magnetic resonance imaging of cerebral hemisphere astrocytomas depending on their localization
astrocytoma, magnetic resonance imagingAbstract
For 67 patients with astrocytomas of a brain supratentorial of localization the analysis of outcomes of a МR-tomography is carried out(spent) depending on their localization (front, back departments of hemispheres and frontotemporal departments of a brain).
Is detected, that the nodal form of a tumour, homogeneity of frame, infrequent kistoplasm, not considerable change in a zone of ventricles, small offset of median frames is more characteristic for a defeat of front departments of a brain. The perifocal zone mainly of small size, is more expressed from top to bottom from a tumour.
At astrocytomas of back departments the heterogeneous frame, presence of cysts, deformation of the back complex of the ventricular system is more often characteristic polycyclecal. The perifocal zone was as sectorial of the centers irregular-shaped, underdense.
For astrocytomas posed on boundary of a frontal lobe and a back department of hemispheres, is characteristic Infiltrativ body height, germination of vessels and absence of a zone of a perifocal edema.
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