Improvement of the study of neurosurgery for medical students in Ukraine



studying, neurosurgery, student program, deepening, unification of teaching


Study of basic neurosurgical pathology in medical school has significant importance. Neurosurgical department in the National Medical University prepared unified teaching program for students. According to it the number of hours for neurosurgical course should be increased up to 64, as well in dentistry faculty it is necessary to introduce special course of emergency and reconstructive neurosurgery for patients with craniofacial injury. We presenting short history of the teaching of neurosurgery in Ukraine, recommending to open new departments and to provide them with qualified specialists.


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How to Cite

Tsymbaliuk, V., & Boichenko, I. Improvement of the study of neurosurgery for medical students in Ukraine. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (3), 120–123. Retrieved from



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