The ceruloplasmin—transferrin and transferrin—methemoglobin ratios for prognostication of the postoperative complications in patients with intracranial extracerebral craniobasal tumors
ceruloplasmin, transferrin, methemoglobin, antioxidant and blood-forming system of the body, the method of electron paramagnetic resonance, acoustic neuroma patients and basal meningioma, reversible and irreversible post-operative complicationsAbstract
Contents of ceruloplasmin (CP), transferrin (TF) and methemoglobin (MetHb) were studied by ESR method in blood in healthy donors and patients with acoustic nerve neurinoma and basal meningioma at different stages of surgical treatment. CP/TF and TF/MetHb ratios were used as criterion for activity of antioxidant and hemopoietic systems. In patients with unreversible postoperative complications in contrast to patients with reversible complications and without them, the values of CP/TF and TF/MetHb ratios have been shown to be considerably different from control values and to be not normalized in a result of surgical treatment. CP/TF and TF/MetHb ratios ranged within 1,2—2,0 and 1,6—2,0,respectively, can be consider as an additional indication for favourable outcome of surgical treatment. The values of these ratios did not exceed 0,9 and 0,3,respectively, and did not respond to correction during the treatment of the patients with fatal termination.
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Copyright (c) 2001 Leonard Chepkiy, E. Sidorik, Marina Dolgova, O. Melnikov, T. Pyatchanina, V. Momot, Rustem Trosh, Irina Vasileva

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