Problematic issues of pre-hospital diagnosis and the first medical aid at the acute brain injury
acute traumatic brain injury, prehospital diagnosis, primary health careAbstract
Based on the Makeev region of the Donetsk oblast in Ukraine with the total population at 2496616 people, we analyzed the quality of pre-hospital diagnosis and the first medical aid at the acute brain injury. 796 cases were studied during the year 2000. The results of the conducted study indicate diagnostic mistakes in 41,4% cases of non-acute brain injury and in 53,7% cases of acute brain injury. Accordingly, the provided medical aid was not of the proper quality. The main reason for this is the lack of knowledge in the issues related to the acute brain injury. Perspectives in resolving this problem lie in the development and introduction of contemporary standards of the first medical aid at this kind of trauma at the pre-hospital stage.
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Copyright (c) 2001 Anatoliy Morozov, Konstantin Dmitriev, Aleksandr Guk, Andriy Harus, Petro Mikhilichenko

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