Experimental study of influence of the directional magnetic field on regeneration of nerves and reinnervation of muscles


  • Anatoliy Kardash Gorkiy Donetsk National Medical University, Donetsk, Ukraine


magnetic stimulation, regeneration, peripheral nerves, the action potential


The influence of a magnetic field, changed in time, on processes of regeneration of sciatic nerves and reinnervation of muscles at rats was investigated. The magnetic induction 10—12 mT of a directional pulsatory magnetic field was obtained by the device “Pole-1”. The regeneration of peripheral nerves and reinnervation of muscles was studied by morphological and electrophysiological methods. Orientation, density and velocity of regeneration of sciatic nerves were evaluated. The increase of amplitude of action potential of the leg muscle, the decrease of latency period of originating of action potential and body height of mass of the leg muscle on the party action of magnetic field has been established.


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How to Cite

Kardash, A. Experimental study of influence of the directional magnetic field on regeneration of nerves and reinnervation of muscles. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (3), 16–22. Retrieved from https://theunj.org/article/view/56183



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