Monitoring of the main facilities of scientific communication in neurosurgery in Healthcare of Ukraine in 2008–2011


  • Andriy Gorban Ukrainian Centre of Scientific Medical Information and Patent Licence Provision, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Eugene Pedachenko Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Lesia Zakrutko Ukrainian Centre of Scientific Medical Information and Patent Licence Provision, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Oksana Skobska Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • S. Boroday Ukrainian Centre of Scientific Medical Information and Patent Licence Provision, Kiev, Ukraine



information support of neurosurgery in Ukraine, facilities of scientific communication, scientific medical forums, innovations, guidelines, information letters


Data of retrospective analysis of main facilities of scientific communication in neurosurgery in Healthcare of Ukraine in 2008–2011 are given. During this mean period of time 6 scientific medical forums were held in Ukraine dedicated to actual scientific and practical issues and achievements in different sections of neurosurgery. Factors affecting the scientific forums efficiency were analyzed. 70 innovative developments including 56 innovations, 7 guidelines (GL), 7 information letters (IL) were proposed for introduction in practice of Healthcare of Ukraine. The analysis of GL and IL revealed the necessity to improve quality of scientific information according to the principles of evidential medicine.


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How to Cite

Gorban, A., Pedachenko, E., Zakrutko, L., Skobska, O., & Boroday, S. (2013). Monitoring of the main facilities of scientific communication in neurosurgery in Healthcare of Ukraine in 2008–2011. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (1), 59–62.



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