Changes of functionally significant pathways of the brain at low-grade gliomas according to magnetic resonance tractography


  • Olga Chuvashova Department of Neuroradiology and Radioneurosurgery, Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Kristiana Robаk Department of Neuroradiology and Radioneurosurgery, Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine



gliomas, MR tractography, pathways


Introduction. The results of magnetic resonance (MR) tractography use in neurosurgical navigation at surgical approach planning and estimation of radicalism of low-grade brain gliomas removing are given.

Materials and methods. Preoperative MR tractography was used in 13 patients, been operated because of low-grade gliomas (with subsequent histological verification).

Results. According to MR tractography low-grade gliomas are characterized by infiltration (in 76.9% cases), destruction of fibers of pathways (in 69.2%), their dislocation (in 23%) due to impact of tumor volume. Surgical tactics at brain gliomas is determined by degree of pathways damage.

Conclusions. MR tractography allows to estimate the degree of pathways damage at brain gliomas, it’s data are used in surgical neuronavigation.


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How to Cite

Chuvashova, O., & Robаk K. (2013). Changes of functionally significant pathways of the brain at low-grade gliomas according to magnetic resonance tractography. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (4), 29–32.



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