Characteristics of compensatory-adaptive mechanisms depending on meningoencephalitis severity
meningoencephalitis, autonomic nervous systemAbstract
Purpose: to study compensatory-adaptive mechanisms according to cardiointervalography data depending on meningoencephalitis severity.
Materials and methods. We studied the state of autonomic nervous system and compensatory-adaptive mechanisms in patients with acute meningoencephalitis. Cardiointervalography according to R.M. Baevsky method using apparatus UTAS (Ukraine) was applied.
Results. The essential tension of compensatory-adaptive mechanisms at moderate and severe meningoencephalitis was revealed, which is a valid measure of the pathological process severity.
Conclusions. Cardiointervalographic indexes are an objective criterion of autonomic disorders severity from compensation to decompensation and pathological process severity at meningoencephalitis. To determine patient’s state severity at meningoencephalitis it’s appropriate to estimate vegetative homeostasis, ways of central stimulus implementation, state of adaptation mechanisms.References
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