Long-term results of surgical treatment of patients with tumors of III ventricle
III ventricle, tumors, surgical treatment, quality of life, survival ratesAbstract
Purpose: to estimate results of treatment in patients with tumors of the III ventricle using neurosurgical interventions.
Materials and methods. The study is based on the results analysis of complex diagnostics and surgical treatment of 285 patients with tumors of III ventricle region in SI «Institute of Neurosurgery named after acad. A.P. Romodanov NAMS of Ukraine» in the period from 1993 to 2009.
Results. The influence of the tumor, the degree of radical removal of the tumor histological structure on quality of life (QOL) and survival of patients with tumors of the III ventricle was established. QOL improved after total removal of the tumor ventricle III - 80%, after subtotal - 57%, partial tumor removal - 60%.
For over 10 years lived 83% of patients after total removal of the tumor, 74% - after subtotal, 77% - after partial removal of the tumor.
Almost 90% of the patients survived more than 10 years after the removal of astrocytomas, regardless of its localization. This is significantly higher than after removal craniopharyngioma (up to 2 years lived 72% of patients, 5 years or longer - of about 62%); pineal parenchymal tumors (five years or longer lived 60%) germ cell tumors (5 years lived 78%) . After total removal of colloid cysts, all patients were alive.
Conclusions. 1. Quality of life and survival rates in patients with tumors of the III ventricle region depend on tumor location, it’s radical removal and histological characteristics. 2. Total removal of tumors of the III ventricle region provided improving of quality of life in most patients. 3. The highest survival rates were achieved after total removal of tumors of the III ventricle region. 4. Survival rates after colloidal cysts and astrocytomas removing are higher than at other forms of tumors.References
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