Management of patients in acute period of non-traumatic cerebellar hematoma
non-traumatic cerebral haematoma, hemorrhagic stroke, CT, medication, external ventricular drainage, microsurgical evacuation, stereotactic surgery, fibrinolysis, endoscopy, neuronavigation, miniinvasive neurosurgeryAbstract
In the literature review key issues of non-traumatic cerebellar hematoma (NCH) diagnostics, conservative and surgical treatment in acute period are outlined. Medication includes: haemostatic therapy, arterial hypertension correction, neurological and somatic state monitoring and their disorders correction, treatment of intracranial hypertension, hyperglycemia correction, anticonvulsants, correction of high body temperature, inhibition of kallikrein and protease, neuroprotection and venous tromboembolism and pulmonary embolism prevention. Indications to NCH surgical treatment and types of interventions are considered in details: external ventricular drainage, microsurgery (open) or stereotactic evacuation and neuronavigation with local fibrinolysis.References
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