Dopplerographic assessment of cerebral blood flow in patients with bilateral carotid stenosis for planning surgical treatment
internal carotid artery, bilateral stenosis, provision of collateral blood supply, Doppler ultrasoundAbstract
In 66 patients with bilateral occlusive-stenotic lesions of carotid arteries we evaluated changes of cerebral blood flow (CBF) patterns and collateral compensation by transcranial dopplerography. Collateral blood flow was accepted as compensated, subcompensated and decompensated according to the figures of linear blood flow in middle cerebral artery (MCA), comparing to the functional test with compression of ipsilateral carotid artery. The worst data were detected in patients with critical stenosis or occlusion of internal carotid artery when multiple stenotic lesions of principal cerebral arteries took place. In that circumstances decompensation or subcompensation of CBF in both carotid territories was dominated. Compression test on less stenotic carotid artery leads to the more than 60 % reduction of blood flow velocity in MCA on both sides. In this patient group the most rate of complications (28%) after carotid endarterectomy was observed. The use of transcranial dopplerography in patients with bilateral occlusive disease of carotid arteries allows to establish risk group for possible ischemic complications in planning reconstructive surgery.References
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