Prognosing of outcomes of shot wounds of the skull


  • Mykola Polishchuk Kiev Emergency Clinical Hospital, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Elman Babaev Azerbaijan Republican Neurosurgical Hospital, Baku, Azerbaijan
  • D. Mamedov Azerbaijan Republican neurosurgical hospital, Baku, Azerbaijan


gunshot wounds skull and brain, prognosis, outcomes, mortality, penetrating injuries, gunshot wounds, shrapnel wounds, coma


Prognotic criterias of mortality have been developed on the base of experience of 222 wounded patients. The mortality was high in the cases of radial, diametrical shot defeats and patients with depressed consciousness. The complications are more often in operated patients at the stage of the qualified medical aid.


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How to Cite

Polishchuk, M., Babaev, E., & Mamedov, D. Prognosing of outcomes of shot wounds of the skull. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (4), 112–115. Retrieved from



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