Structural morphological changes for light brain injury
traumatic brain injury, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, hemorrhage, ischemic focus, consciousness, concussion, brainAbstract
Analysis of 553 patients with light brain injury was done. The patients were investigated neurologically, all of them were investigated with MRI. For 440 patients we have done LP. Most frequently (62 %) we have met contusion of a brain, which more than in half of cases (53 %) were accompanied by compression of a brain.
204 patients (38 %) have admitted to the hospital with the diagnosis of brain concussion. The detailed analysis of 94 patients without change of conscious and neurological symptoms (GCS14—15). In 57 of them MRI have revealed intracranial changes. Hematomas and hydroms were revealed in 23, contusion of a brain in 26 and bedding of blood in 9 patients.
Thus, MRI investigation for patients with light brain injury allows to reveal rough structural intracranial changes, which have very important diagnostic and prognostic value, and determines medical tactics.
We recommend all patients with middle risk of intracranial complications evaluate with modern neurovisualising methods.References
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Copyright (c) 2001 Mykola Polishchuk, Volodymyr Ryzhy, Lyudmyla Polishchuk, Ruslan Sklyar, Vasyl Danatsko, O. Witrikhovskaya, Yuriy Gryniv, Andriy Litvinenko
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