Magnetic stimulation and regeneration of peripheral nerves: basic insights
magnetic stimulation, regeneration, peripheral nerves, magnetic fibrin film, magneticAbstract
New approach of regenerative neurosurgery, biology and engineering, has been surveyed, consisting of the strategies of cell transplantation, bioartificial tissue constructs, and stimulation of regeneration in vivo. A variety of approaches to enhance peripheral nerve regeneration are currently being pursued. They include the use of electric fields, treatment with pharmacological, neurotrophic and physiotherapeutic factors and Schwann cell manipulation. The magnetic stimulation is most advanced method, which allows increasing the speed of regeneration of peripheral nerve injuries. Magnetic stimulation of the peripheral nerves is a recently developed technique and has exciting prospects in clinical neurophysiology. Using short pulses of a time-varying magnetic field it allows a noninvasive stimulation of the motor cortex and deeply placed peripheral nerves. New surgical method of treatment of peripheral nerves injuries with the help of special magnetic fibrinous film have been successfully used to acceleration and rising of quality nerve fibers regeneration.
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