Catamnesis examination on injured, transferred in childrens’ age craniocerebral trauma with availability of traumatic intracranial hematomas
catamnesis, traumatic brain injury, intracranial hematoma, children, consequences, epileptic seizuresAbstract
The work is based on analysis of a catamnesis 47 damaged, transferred a traumatic intracranial hematoma in the age of till 14 years. From them 38 are inspected in clinic neurosurgery and for 9 opinions bore ground of biographical data. 20 injured are inspected twofoldly with an interval about 1 year.
As a matter of record it is possible to approve, that for the majority inspected ill in the remote term CCT are available more or less expressed consequences, more often by the way cefalgic and cerebrastenic of a set of syndromes. By a part ill in the remote term CCT the disturbances can show which were not in the acute term (deterioration of vision, speech, convulsive attacks). The retrogress of a neurologic symptomatology for these children can be prolonged more than 2 years are long, quite often.
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