The reduce of the trauma epilepsy risk by means of the intraoperational pharmaco-metabolic compositions perfusion
hypoxia, lipid peroxidation, perfusion, traumatic epilepsy, pharmaco-metabolite compositionAbstract
A prospective study of 49 patients was carried out to examine the prognostic significance of the intraoperational pharmacological metabolic composition perfusion.The diagnostic criteria for inclusion were-clucose and the lipid proxidation activity. It was shown that the biochemical criteria for the energy metabolism can be regarded as the marker of the trauma heaviness. It was also shown that the spine liquid of the patients trained by our method was normalized more quickly. The researches of catamnesis three years later has shown that only 11% of patiens had a stated diagnosis of epilepsy. So it can be stated that the application of the pharmacological metabolic compositions during neurosurgery operations can be regarded as clinically useful for the exclusion of the post-traumatic epilepsy.
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