Arteriovenous malformations (AVM): epileptic type of clinical presentation and surgical treatment
arterio-venous malformation, episyndrome, surgery, endovascular surgeryAbstract
133 cases of AVM were investigated. We observed the intracranial haemorrage at 76 patients (57%), episyndrome at 52 patients (39%), epi¬syndrome and intracranial haemorrages at 5 patients (4%).
The results of surgical treatment of 57 patients with AVM with epileptic type of clinical presentation were analyzed. 28 patients (49%) are seizure-free, 20 patients (35%) had reduction of seizure frequency, 9 patients (16%) without any changes.
Also this article presents facilities of preoperative procedures, anesthesiological management and postoperative treatment including antiepileptical drug treatment.
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