The substantiation of combined methods of treatment of epilepsy.
epilepsy, seizures, mental disorders, stereotactic operations, anticonvulsantsAbstract
The article presents modern ideas of pathogenatic mechanisms of epilepsy origining and development. The chanches in immune system and antioxydant status in epileptic patients are disscused. The necessity of application the complex treatment of epilepsy is substantiantd. The results of stereotactic operations in complex treatment of the patients with epilepsy for the last 12 years are shown. The article points out on the high efficiency stereotactic surgery which could lead stopping the seizures or significantly reduction their frequency and severity, also psycho-emotional and intellectual disturbances.
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Copyright (c) 2000 Oleg Laponogov, Kostyantyn Kostiuk, Yuriy Medvedev, Volodymyr Lebed, Oleksiy Kanaikin, T. Fedosenko, Irina Gnedkova

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