Features of the course and antimicrobial therapy of postoperative craniocerebral pyoinflammatorycomplications in neuroonkological patients
cranio cerebral inflammatory complications, patients with cancer, risk factors, intraoperative, postoperative and associated with the state of the bodyAbstract
The authors review 31 cases of postoperative craniocerebral pyoninflammatory complications in neurooncological patients from 1996 to 2000. The retrospective analysis of the risk factors including intraoperative, postoperative factors and those intrinsic to infection was carried out. The presence of one or two risk factors had no appreciable effect on the results of antimicrobial therapy given to neurooncological patients. Multiple risk factors (more than two) led to a negative prognosis. The neurooncological patients having multiple risk factors presented the high risk group in the postoperative period because their condition was associated with serious morbility and mortality as well as high cost of therapy. Dominant were the complications developed in 27 patients (87%) within more than 7 days after operation (10,2 days at the average). Positive results of antimicrobial therapy were found in 11 patients (40%). Over 80% of infections were caused by Gram-negative bacteria, 37% of these by Acineto¬bacter baumannii (10 cases).
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