Certain aspects of management of CNS infections in patients with severe head trauma
intracarotid infusion, brain abscess, brain blood flow, an integral index, brain mapping, regional cerebral blood flowAbstract
243 patients have been included in this study. All these patients survived severe head trauma and developed brain abscesses and meningoencephalitis in posttraumatic period. Glasgow Coma Scale was 5-10. According to treatment then were 2 groups of the patients. Patients in the 2-nd group received some of their medications by intracarotid route. Mortality amongst patients with infections complications after head trauma decreased on 14,5 %. Intracarotid route of drug administration should become essential part of the management of the patients in neurosurgery.
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Copyright (c) 2000 Anatoliy Kardash, Vladimir Cherniy, Georgiy Gorodnik, O. Dobrorodnova, E. Chepiga

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