Treatment of bronchopneumonies in severe brain trauma patients
brain injury, nosocomial pneumonia, ventilator-pneumonia, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, multiple organ failure syndrome, traumatic brain disease, rational antibiotic therapyAbstract
There were investigated 240 patients with severe isolated and combined brain trauma. The depth of coma by Glasgow scale was 3—8 points. Pneumonia was considered as process in the order of things. It was a high risk of development of this complication: coma, artificial lung ventilation, nazogastral zond, chronic obstructive bronhitis, sedative therapy. The bacterial scenery in neuroreanimatology unit was studied. The clinical significant pathogenes were revealed and so rational antibiotic was selected. In protocol of intensive care lipin, lasolvan, ultra-violet irradiation, phybrobronchoscopy and early ad¬mini¬stration of ftorhinolones were included. Such therapy was effective and mortality reduced on 10%.
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Copyright (c) 2000 Vladimir Cherniy, Anatoliy Kardash, Georgiy Gorodnik, D. Popovsky, A. Stoichev

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