Restorative surgery with invasive nerve stimulation in brachial plexus injuries
brachial plexus injury, chronic electrical stimulation, surgical treatmentAbstract
Introduction. 6% of all injuries of locomotive apparatus are injuries of peripheral nerves, up to 90% are injuries of upper extremity.
Materials and methods. We present results of surgical treatment of 73 patients with consequences of long branches of brachial plexus injury with invasive chronic electrical stimulation.
Results. The positive effect (full, good and satisfactory recovery of nerve) was achieved in 76.7% of patients who underwent nerve stimulation and 42.9% of patients, which have been subjected only to the standard surgical treatment. A slight improvement or treatment failure observed in 23.3% of patients with nerve stimulation and in 57.1% of patients without long-term neurostimulation.
Conclusions. Invasive chronic electrical stimulation is safe method in complex restorative treatment of long branches of brachial plexus injuries.
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