Radiopharmaceuticals for single photon emission computer tomography of pituitary adenomas
pituitary adenomas, diagnostics, single photon emission computer tomography, radiopharmaceuticals, Technetium-99m, technetium-99m methoxyisobutylisonitrile, indium-111-DTPA-D-Phe-1-octreotide, 99Tcm-HYNIC-TOC, iodine-123-Tyr-3-octreotide, Technetium-99m pAbstract
The literature review is dedicated to diagnostic capabilities of modern radiopharmaceuticals, used in single photon emission computer tomography of pituitary adenomas. Relevant statistic data and short historical overview of scintigraphy use in pituitary adenomas treatment are given. Research data on mechanisms of different radiopharmaceuticals, clinical prospects of application and diagnostic accuracy at single photon emission computer tomography of pituitary adenoma are analyzed and presented. Advantages of scintigraphy in comparison to routine instrumental diagnostics and additional capabilities in differential diagnosis of pituitary adenomas are described.
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