The influence of heterotopic transplantation of hippocampal tissue on functional and morphologic integration with recipient
трансплантація, головний мозок, гіпокамп, електроенцефалограма, нейроспецифічні білки, експериментальне дослідженняAbstract
In the article are represented the results of experimental researches directed on learning of influence implantation of hippocampal tissue with various cell components. These experiments were carried on three groups of animals which underwent intraparenchimal transplantation into the senco-motor cortex. The first group received fetal hippocamp tissue, second — postnatal, thirds — glial-riched hippocampal suspension. In various terms following transplantation the electrophysiological studies are conducted. These studies directed on learning to background electrical activity of a brain of recipient. The test of functional load and test for convulsive readiness of a brain were executed. Also were studied role neuromediator systems in phenomena of bioelectrical activity of a brain. The development of autoimmunological responses to neurospecific proteins is shown. Is shown good survival and adaptation of fetal hippocamp and glial-riched hippocampal suspension. The grafted cells can restore their plastic properties and can to be differentiated in the mature forms according to their structural specificity.
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