Features of functional recovery patients with massive intracerebral hematomas depending on a method of surgical treatment


  • Aleksandr Danchin Main military clinical hospital, Defence Ministry of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine


intracerebral hematoma, surgical treatment, endoscopic assistance technique, outcomes, functional recovery


In this manuscript there was carried out the comparison results of surgical treatment of 314 patients with massive hypertensive supratentorial hematomas, operated on by conventional methods (48,7% patients) and with use of endoscope-assisted technique (51,3% patients). Groups had no essential differences in such criteria as localization and size of hematoma, patient’s age, state of consciousness while entering. Evaluation of the results was performed 6 months after surgical intervention. Group of patients operated with use of endoscope-assisted technique showed a significantly lower mortality rate than operated on by conventional methods. 18% of these patients had a good outcome with no or only a minimal deficit versus 7,2% in the conventional surgery group (the difference statistically significant, P<0,05). This is reached by decreasing of operative interference traumatization, the presence of visual control of all operative stages, careful hemostasis and radical removal of intracerebral hematomas.


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How to Cite

Danchin, A. Features of functional recovery patients with massive intracerebral hematomas depending on a method of surgical treatment. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (2), 65–68. Retrieved from https://theunj.org/article/view/48419



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