Features coagulative and anticoagulative systems of a blood in the patients with craniocerebral damages: literature review
craniocerebral trauma, hemostasis, blood coagulation system, fibrinolysis, thrombohemorrhagic complicationsAbstract
The review of works devoted to research coagulative and anticoagulative systems of a blood at the patients with traumas of the main brain is carried out. They approve, that the prophylaxis both treatment of intracranial bleedings and tromboembolic episodes is a urgent task of neurotraumatology. The main meaning of research of system of coagulation of a blood is, that it allows to reveal a condition haemocoagulation at the patient. It is important for a correct choice of pathogenetic treatment. Besides at research of system of a coagulation it is possible to establish the certain laws, characteristic for various infringements of functions of a brain depending on term of disease, age of the patient, gravity of defeats, that represents practical and theoretical interest.
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