Clinico-morphological and pathogenetic features of glioblastomas, contaminated by herpes simplex virus
glioblastoma, apoptosis, Herpes Simplex virusAbstract
The purpose. To study clinico-morphological and pathogenetic features of glioblastomas, contaminated by herpes simplex virus (HSV).
Materials and methods. 708 medical records of patients with glioblastoma have been analyzed in the period from 2000 to 2012. Clinical, morphological and pathogrenetic features of tumors flow were studied.
Results. In patients with glioblastomas, contaminated by HSV, we observed rashes in the nasolabial triangle, in 57% — viral DNA in liquor. In glioblastomas, contaminated by HSV, bcl-2 expression in endothelial cells tripled, in tumor cells — doubled.
Conclusions. 1. In some patients with glioblastomas clinical symptoms of herpes infection were observed: rushes on skin, high leucocytes, increased ERS. In liquor of 57% using polymerase chain reaction (CRP) HSV DNA was detected.
2. In glioblastomas tissue HSV antigen was detected, expressed by the tumor and vessel wall and also by vessel wall and tumor tissue at the same time, which is accompanied by infiltration of T-lymphocytes.
3. At contamination of glioblastomas by HSV bcl-2 expression in endothelial cells tripled, in tumor cells — doubled, in all groups in average.
4. Contamination of glioblastomas by HSV has an ambiguous effect on the growth and progression of tumors: in contaminated tumors mitotic activity is reduced, but number and variety of vessels is increased, which is manifested by tumor’s growth acceleration.
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