Improving diagnostic informative of stereotactic biopsy through technology of combining multimodal imaging at focal brain lesions


  • Iaroslav Zinkevych Centre of General Neurosurgery, Clinical Hospital «Feofaniya», Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Volodymyr Rozumenko Department of Intracerebral Tumors, Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Olga Chuvashova Department of Neuroradiology and Radioneurosurgery, Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Tatyana Malysheva Neuropathomorphology Department, Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Artem Rozumenko Department of Intracerebral Tumors, Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Sergiy Makeyev Nuclear Medicine Department, Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Vitaliy Tsymbaliuk Department of Restorative Neurosurgery, Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine



focal brain lesions, diagnostic, multimodal approach, stereotactic biopsy, MR-spectroscopy, perfusion computed tomography, SPECT


Purpose. Developing and clinical testing of effective technology of multimodal images combining and use of additional neuroimaging methods for differentiated diagnostics, coordinates determination and trajectories for stereotactic biopsy (STB), optimal target zone, STB diagnostic informative increasing.

Materials and methods. 339 patients with focal brain lesions were included in our study. Stereotactic intervention was performed using stereotactic system CRW Radionics with software StereoFusion, StereoPlan (Radionics) for coordinates calculation. Statistical analysis of the data was performed using nonparametric methods.

Results. STB planning before operation was done by MSCT and MRI fusion for maximum information content of diagnostics. MRI and MSCT images fusion was done in 282 (83.2%) cases (group A), multi-modal images comparison (emission computed tomography, MRI-spectroscopy and MSCT-perfusion) — in 57 (16.8%) patients (group B).

Conclusions. Optimal diagnostic algorithm should include standard MSCT and MRI with contrast enhancement, MR-spectroscopy, emission tomography and computed tomography perfusion. Multimodal technology improved STB diagnostic informative at focal brain lesion.


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How to Cite

Zinkevych, I., Rozumenko, V., Chuvashova, O., Malysheva, T., Rozumenko, A., Makeyev, S., & Tsymbaliuk, V. (2014). Improving diagnostic informative of stereotactic biopsy through technology of combining multimodal imaging at focal brain lesions. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (4), 71–77.



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