Remote cognitive impairments after traumatic brain injury as a disability cause
brain injury, remote period, cognitive disorders, medical and social expertiseAbstract
Data of Ukrainian and foreign studies concerning remote cognitive disorders in injured persons with traumatic brain injury (TBI) are given. Data on prevalence of posttraumatic cognitive impairments and features of their flow, depending on TBI biomechanics, its severity and lesion focus localization, are discussed. The factors that affect the cognitive function recovery after TBI are shown. The problematic issues regarding medical and social expertise of patients with cognitive disorders in posttraumatic period were put.References
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Copyright (c) 2015 Valeriy Shkolnyk, Galyna Fesenko, Volodymyr Golyk, Svitlana Pogorielova, Vadym Pashkovskyi, Andriy Huk

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