The role of radiation diagnostics in estimation of consequences of traumas of thoracic spine and spinal cord in a practice of medical and social examination


  • Oleg Tarasenko Department of medical-social examination and rehabilitation of disabled persons with consequences of traumas and orthopedic diseases in combination with peripheral nervous system injury, Ukrainian State Research Institute of Medical and Social Problems of Disability of Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
  • Lyudmyla Myronchuk Department of medical-social examination and rehabilitation of disabled persons with consequences of traumas and orthopedic diseases in combination with peripheral nervous system injury, Ukrainian State Research Institute of Medical and Social Problems of Disability of Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine



radiation diagnostics, consequences of spinal trauma, medical and social examination


The purpose. To determine radiation characteristics of trauma consequences of thoracic spine and spinal cord in patients with disability.

Materials and methods. We examined 42 patients with consequences of traumas of thoracic spine and spinal cord.

Results. In 2 (5%) patients the I group disability was set, in 16 (38%) — the II group, in 21 (50%) — the III group, in 3 (7%) patients there was no disability. In most (67%) patients bone (or bone-fibrotic) block of the injured vertebra was found, in 19% — bone block between between the articular processes of the vertebrae.

Conclusions. In the practice of medical and social examination spondylography of thoracic spine is a method of choice for estimation of metallic constructions state and stability in patients with consequences of traumas of thoracic spine and spinal cord, as well as one of the most important additions to the clinical examination at compression wedge-shaped fractures. For patient’s state estimation after back spondylolistesis, comminuted fracture of vertebra axial computer tomography with 3D-reconstruction and MRI (MR-mielography) are used, for state estimation after front spondylodesis, epidural haematomas — MRI (MR-mielography).


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How to Cite

Tarasenko, O., & Myronchuk, L. (2015). The role of radiation diagnostics in estimation of consequences of traumas of thoracic spine and spinal cord in a practice of medical and social examination. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (1), 68–71.



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