The choice of method of electroneuromyogaphy in remote consequences of gunshot and mine-blast injuries of limb nerves




trauma, gunshot nerve injuries, mine-blast injuries, pain syndrome, diagnosis, electromyography, surgical treatment


Objective. Clarification of the nature of damage and degree of functional disorders in the remote consequences of gunshot and mine-blast injuries of limb nerves using neurophysiological techniques (NP) of functional diagnostics (stimulation and needle electromyography), correlation of these data with the nerve damage characteristics determined during surgical interventions (operative findings).

Materials and methods. 480 military personnel and civilians, men aged 18-64 years (average age 33.5 years), with gunshot and mine-blast injuries of limb nerves (LNI) within 1 to 11 months after injury were examined. A total of 1400 EMG studies were conducted. Clinical-neurological methods were used to determine the level, degree, and nature of LNI.

Results. Among the examined 480 patients, complete nerve damage was detected in 299, and partial in 181. Causes of nerve damage included: shrapnel, gunshot, mine-blast injuries, nerve rupture due to bone fractures, injuries by sharp objects, iatrogenic damage. In 62.3% of cases of complete LNI surgical interventions were performed using the technique of neurotization using branches of donor nerves. Provided anatomical integrity of nerve structures and presence of conductivity during EMG testing, external or internal neurolysis was performed. Surgical intervention timing: up to 6 months post-injury - 68.1% of cases; up to 3 months - 31.9%. Based on the results of comprehensive clinical-NP research, adapted schemes for assessing NP data corresponding to each pathohistological type of LNI were developed, and NP criteria for classifying consequences of LNI into three degrees of severity of functional deficit - mild, moderate, and severe were proposed.

Conclusions. Criteria for choosing the optimal NP diagnostic methodology for the remote consequences of gunshot and mine-blast injuries of limb nerves have been determined. Comprehensive clinical-instrumental diagnostics allows to objectify the level and degree of limb nerve damage, signs of neuromuscular apparatus recovery, provides information for planning of the surgical tactics and subsequent rehabilitation therapy.


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How to Cite

Solonovych, O. S., Tretyakova, A. I., Tretyak, I. B., Chebotaryova, L. L., Gatskyi, O. O., & Mytsak, O. I. (2024). The choice of method of electroneuromyogaphy in remote consequences of gunshot and mine-blast injuries of limb nerves. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, 30(2), 3–13.



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