Evolution of traumatic thoracolumbar spine injurу classifications
evolution, classification, traumatic injury of the thoracolumbar regionAbstract
According to some authors, traumatic injuries of the thoracolumbar region account for 2/3 to 3/4 of all vertebral fractures. The development, introduction into clinical practice and improvement of methods for treating injuries in this area are associated with attempts to classify injuries into different categories according to the most common, in the author's opinion, signs. The evolution of classifications of traumatic injuries of the spine in general and its thoracolumbar region in particular is largely due to the development of ideas about the biomechanics of injuries.
The review attempts to briefly characterize the most well-known classifications. When analyzing the literature, 28 damage ranking systems were selected, reflecting in the historical aspect the change in ideas about the principles of classification, damage biomechanics and treatment tactics. When describing certain types of damage, we tried to reflect the pathomorphological characteristics of the fracture in the author's interpretation as accurately as possible, therefore, in different classifications given in this publication, the same type of damage may have slightly different signs.
The information systematized in the review is primarily of historical interest, but in some cases it may be useful to the practicing clinician for a number of reasons. First, taking into account the huge amount of work carried out by the authors of the classifications on the analysis and systematization of the material, a number of publications describe rare types of fractures, and the proposed methods of treatment can still be of practical importance. Secondly, even in modern publications devoted to the study of certain features of the biomechanics or tactics of treating spinal injuries, the authors often use little-known or formally outdated injury ranking systems, since a certain classification principle may be more appropriate for the research task. Thirdly, a general analysis of the evolution of classification systems makes it possible to identify historically established both definitive and tactical errors, the understanding of which allows a more critical attitude towards generally accepted statements.
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