Cell transplantation: history of development, bioetic and legal aspects, prospects for treatment traumatic brain injury
traumatic brain injury, cell therapy, stem cells, transplantation, legal aspects of transplantationAbstract
In the modern world, a doctor of any specialty knows about a relatively new direction in the treatment of severe and previously untreatable diseases - stem cell (SC) transplantation. A scientific discussion around this is an actively developing direction. At present time laboratory studies of the cell therapy have gone beyond the limits of the experiment and began to actively find their application in practical medicine, which gives rise to scientific, ethical, legal and legislative problems. Thousands of laboratory experiments and clinical studies are carried out around the world, hundreds of stem cell culture laboratories and clinics are opened that use cell transplantation for the treatment of a wide range of diseases. The world governments start introduce SC transplantation into the medical system.
The classical dogma that CNS cells are unable to regenerate has been challenged in recent decades by studies demonstrating new mechanisms of stem cell migration in the brain in trauma models.
One of the most popular and promising areas for using cell therapy is treatment of nervous system diseases. Today, the actual problem for society is the cost of treating the consequences of moderate and severe traumatic brain injury, due to the wide prevalence (30-40% of all types of traumas), high disability rate in the working-age population and the global trend increase number of TBI cases by constant development of the technogenic environment.
The review provides information on the history of development, legal, bioethical aspects, the prospects for the use of SC in the treatment of TBI.
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