Theoretical substantiation of the efficiency of biopolymers application in experimental TBI (literature review and own results)
dura mater plastics, collagen-based film, biodegradation, morphological study, IR spectroscopyAbstract
Objective: based on the analysis of literary sources, to justify the feasibility of using collagen-based biopolymer films for dura mater, to analyze experimentally the ability of this material to biodegrade and form a new dura mater using light optical microscopy and IR spectroscopy, and to investigate the possibility of application of biopolymer collagen-based films as a substitute for the dura mater.
Materials and methods. Thirteen rats weighing 200–250 g under general anesthesia were operated. Craniotomies were performed. The dura mater was incised crosswise from the middle to its corners. The surface of the cerebral cortex was exposed and was penetrated with a G18 needle to a depth of 2 mm. Dura mater flaps were not sutured with diastasis between the edges. A small piece of collagen film was placed over dissected dura and the bone flap was removed. The basic group consisted of 10 animals and the control group without collagen film included 3 animals. Three weeks after the intervention, all animals were euthanized and operating sites, including skull and cortical tissue, were explanted for histological, macroscopic examination and molecular analysis by infrared spectroscopy.
Results. According to the results of macroscopic and histological examination, collagen substitute for the dura mater does not lead to severe inflammatory complications and excessive scar adhesions, prevents cerebrospinal fluid outflow, is capable of biodegradation with the replacement of connective tissue resembling a newly formed dura mater.
Conclusions. 1. The experiment confirmed the ability of collagen-based films to biodegrade in 3 weeks after penetration trauma in rats. 2. The data of both infrared spectroscopy and morphological study indicate that at the border of the collagen implant and the native dura mater the regeneration processes prevail over the formation of scar tissue. 3. The data obtained confirm the collagen-based substitute to be used for dura mater plastics.
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